Are You Ready for 2024? Yes! Maybe?

Welcome, 2024!

2023 was an interesting year, and I'm not even sure what 2024 will bring.  However, I am giving the Ultimate Blog Challenge another shot.  Just because I didn't complete the previous ones doesn't mean I failed.  Life happens, and we don't always have control of what happens.  The last two months have proven that for me.

New Year, New Me (sort of)!

Every year, this phrase shows up all over social media.  Many people use the start of a new year as a clean slate, especially if the previous year ended less than favorable.  "New year, new me" is used as a phrase people use to maintain motivation.

I cannot use this right now because there is some uncertainty for this coming year.  I would usually make the usual goals - eat healthier, work out more, continue school, and/or work for a promotion.  I can't make any of those goals too specific because I don't know what I need right now.  Let me explain.

It's just a concussion.  I'll be fine.

In the beginning of November, I was diagnosed with Covid (again) and I was isolating until I was cleared to return to work.  On my last day of isolation, I fainted, and hit the back of my head.  It was a bad hit.  I asked my husband to take me to the Emergency Room because I didn't feel right.  My head was hurting, and I felt pressure.

They diagnosed me with syncope (a fancy word for fainting) and a concussion.  The dizzy spells and extreme fatigue were overwhelming.  I couldn't function.  I set up an appointment wirh my doctor.

I'm still dizzy, Doc.

It had been a week since my head injury.  I still had symptoms.  She ordered labs, and referred me to a cardiologist and neurologist. I was put out of work for another week, so I asked for FMLA paperwork.  Those papers put me out until May of this year.  Until then, I'm logging my symptoms daily.

More doctors, more tests, not enough answers.

I had an MRI done right after Thanksgiving.  I also had a carotid ultrasound done.  December had more appointments.  I saw the cardiologist and he ordered more tests.  I saw my primary doctor to follow-up.  She referred me to some other specialists, and told me I needed to do another MRI because the first one showed "an abnormality."  I was able to get it done right after Christmas.  I had to wear a heart monitor for the seven days before Christmas.  I see my neurologist today.  I have about four doctor's appointments this month, after seeing the neurologist.  One of the last tests I need to complete isn't until February.  

Frustrated but NOT Defeated

With all of this uncertainty, and the drastic change this medical issue has caused my everyday life, I feel lost.  I'm frustrated that I can't physically function as I once did.  Some days are good because I have adjusted to being more aware of my body's limitations.  Some days are bad days, and the worst of them are the days I wake up already tired.  I have no energy to physcally do anything strenuous.  Something as simple as folding laundry feels like I've just completed a rigorous workout. 

Preparing for Uncertainty

My goals for this year are to prepare for a possibility that I may not return to a tradiotional job.  If this unknown diagnosis does keep me from returning to my job, I need something to occupy my time, and make an income (somehow).  I've lost track of days, so I'm hoping this blog challenge helps me with that.  I'm also hoping it helps me with gaining a social media following as a support system.  Not knowing what's going on with me is hard.

 I'm As Ready As I'll Ever Be

 The last few months have been difficult.  I started posting on social media because I needed an outlet.  There are times I feel so alone, but I know support is out there.  Best case scenario is me returning to work as normal.  Worst case would be not returning to a "regular" job, and having to find another way to have an income.  Even if I don't have to stop working, this experience has been eye-opening because it's forcing me to slow down and take things one moment at a time.

This month will be a lot of reflection for me.  Thank you for following me on my journey.  The links to my social media are at the bottom.

Follow Me:  Instagram  Tik Tok


  1. It is the challenges in our lives that make us stronger. I've heard this often and have a hard time believing it until I look back on the circumstances, incidents, health issues, and caregiving. We're all on a journey, and we don't have a road map. I love your hope board!

    1. Thank you for the kind words and supportive comment. I know not all paths are clear, and this was a great reminder!

  2. Firstly a verry happy and blessed 2024 to you! I pray only blessings and an outpouring of health in all aspects of your life 🌻

    1. Happy New Year! Thank you! Many blessings to you and yours!

  3. Hi Rosary, nice to meet you and happy new year! I am so sorry to hear the medical challenges you're facing. These symptoms and not knowing what is going on must rob a lot of your energy you didn't have in the first place, no thanks to Covid. Unfortunately I had a similar situation early last year. Minus the head injury. Here's to hoping you'll get answers soon! In the meantime, come back and blog. It's good to write down your thoughts.

    1. Thank you, Tamara! I was down a few days, but I didn't see it as a loss. I saw it as an opportunity to learn more about what's going on and rest. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep posting until the end of the month (and beyond),

  4. Hoping for the best for you with this new challenge! I know it's hard to deal with the uncertainty, though, and I hope you get answers soon.

    1. Thank you, Jeanine! I'll do my best to keep you all updated!

  5. I'm happy to see you back in the UBC but so sorry to hear about your health. Sometimes the unknowing is worse than knowing the problem. Praying that you will get answers from your tests and doctors. Take it a day at a time and only do what your body can handle. Please keep us updated!

  6. Welcome back to the UBC! Each blog you write adds to your story whether you complete the month or not 😃 Looking forward to checking in and following your posts. Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you, Kimberly. This comment helped me over the last week while I was sick. I wasn't able to function, and that's part of what I'm experiencing.

  7. I am so sorry your going through this and I hope you get answers soon and that you feel better. I also took a fall and messed up my shoulder and thumb but after not finishing other challenges I am determined to finish this one. I wish you the best and can't wait to read more of your post and I hope this helps you build followers and a way to make extra money.

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping to finish this one too, and over the last week, I had to remind myself, finishing the challenge doesn't mean perfecting it. A little bit of progress is all I'm hoping for right now.

  8. Thank you for sharing this story. Almost a year? That's quite a bit of time. It must have been frustrating, but I'm glad he's better. Thank you for your support!


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