Dealing with the Darkness

More than a Bad Day

When I posted my last blog, I was struggling with a bad day.  The simplicity of the post helped me accomplish the goal of the day.  Unfortunately, for the rest of the day, I was frozen at the edge of my metaphorical cliff, fighting the desire to jump.  I didn't eat or drink anything until the late afternoon/early evening.  My mind was at war with itself. 

Coping With Dark Thoughts

AI Image Generated on Project Camus
by Lokilani Raiyne
As the day progressed, I did my best to use the strategies to cope with it all.  All you would see when looking at me was tears, but in my head, I was in a rage.  Much like this image I generated in my Visualization Journal.

The things I did were:

  • Cry
  • Sleep
  • Listen to my Depression Playlist
    • This lets my family know where I'm at mentally because some songs will signify the severity of my depression.
  • Wrote a Poem
  • Journal entry
 I was preparing a blog post for yesterday, but it quickly turned into a journal entry.  I was able to pinpoint a part of my episode.  However, I was unable to continue because I knew I wasn't ready to face it.

Yesterday, there was no blog post because I chose to skip it for my mental health and healing.  It was also my husband's birthday, so I gave him time.  We watched shows all day, and it was great!  Today, we celebrated with lunch, but it was a quiet date.  We heard a close family member of his passed, so I did what I could to make him laugh and smile.  At this moment (as I write this), he is taking time for himself.  

I'm still experiencing a low episode, but I have enough strength to support him.  He is always there for me when I'm down, and I'm there for him.  Sometimes we are both dealing with darkness, but we can always bring each other back to the light.

The Poem

Hiding Me

Every day, I smile in public
I smile for the world to see
Calm, cool, collected - on the outside
Nobody sees what's inside of me
Inside the depths of my mind
Things I hide from myself
Pretending like all is well
Lying that I'm not in Hell
In my mind, I scream
Raging, Breaking, Dying
Hating all that I am
Fighting the tears from falling
Mentally causing more pain
Wanting to show it on my skin
Haircuts, makeup, piercings, and tattoos
Pretending, in life, I win
So long since I've found peace
I want to give up everything
Feeling like I deserve none of it
Because I feel like NOTHING
I'm so tired
I've been tired for years
I've hid it so well
Not many have seen my tears
The strength is gone
I am weak
Let the monsters win
I'm so tired of hiding me


  1. I have been there before. Sending you hugs and want to thank you for sharing this. Take care. XO


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