Announcement & Recap


What happened in the last two months?

In January, I joined the Ultimate Blog Challenge again, with the hopes of completing it.  I stopped mid-month because I experienced some rough mental battles.  I still feel the challenge was a success because I did more than the last challenge.  I also experienced chest pain and ended up in the hospital for a few days.

It isn't about finishing the challenge perfectly.  It's about progressing, and going farther than the last time.

In February, I dealt with more follow-ups, and getting more answers... or should I say more non-answers.  All tests came back "normal" and that irritated me.  I feel like my body failed me.  Tests say fine, but my body says I'm not fine.  Dealing with all of that and another personal issue made my stress levels rise.  It's handled - for now. I needed to do something with my time to help get me out of this depression...  

March - I changed cardiologists, have more testing to complete, and my latest blood work panel showed some changes.  It still isn't enough to give an accurate diagnosis.  I have felt so low because of the process of finding out what's wrong.  I have tapped into my creative side and ended up opening an online shop.


My main focus is self-love and depression.  It isn't always easy to find ways to express the love you need for yourself - from yourself.  It started with an idea and progressed to a design.  That one design brought more ideas.

This quote came from a text I sent to my husband and some friends on a rough/bad day.  I created the design and put up a shop.  I didn't realize how easy it was to do that, and I went from two simple items to twelve items that are LIVE in the shop.  

I have more designs already prepared for release at a later date.

The blanket featured in the announcement is another design available in the shop.  Some people enjoy soft blankets for comfort, and I thought a little reminder to breathe would help.

The shop link is on the main page as well if you ever want to check it out!

I'm open to suggestions as well!  What items help you when dealing with depressive episodes?  What kind of items would you like to see?


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